So different from last year! Sophie is starting to talk a lot, even if
we don't understand everything. She and Austin had a great time this
week, doing practice Easter egg hunts with glow in the dark eggs. We
dyed eggs on Tuesday and made egg salad Saturday. Some very lucky
chickens got the leftovers and shells. On the night before Easter, it is
a tradition for Austin to set out the baskets. Sophie's basket was new
this year and I didn't realize it when I bought it, but it's much larger
than the basket that has been Austin's. I let him choose which basket
he wanted and he gave the big one to his sister! As usual, the bunny
moved Austin's basket to a more secret spot and left lots of goodies,
surrounded by eggs. Sophie's basket was moved to her car seat, so she
would know it was hers. Both kids had just a great week and a fabulous morning, I think :)
Sophie's first Easter egg! |
Here's some video I shot of Sophie opening her basket and holding court over breakfast :)
And here are Sophie and baby Austin with their first Easter eggs. They make the same face when they taste them :)