Sunday, December 25, 2011

More Christmas Goodies

Here we are in our Christmas Eve outfit! Check out those fabulous pants!

We're practically sprinting these days!

And Santa must have thought we were very good.

We continued our tradition costuming our feet. They were reindeer!

And our hair was just awful.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

And a belated Haturday to you all!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Austin Discovers Candy Canes

*here we are, enjoying the new christmas tree

"Oh yes, it's very nice."

"Wait, you can eat these??"

"Where have you been all my life?"

*merry christmas!

Friday, December 16, 2011

A Tree Of Our Own

We are an excellent decorator, once we got tired of ripping it off the wall...

Saturday, December 3, 2011


So much happened in November and then Mom ran out of month before she could share it! We'll just pretend it's still 11/30...

We started WALKING. Mom and Dad both saw Mr. Austin take a few steps on 11/1. I took a little movie of him cruising that very day:

And this is 30 days later:

Insane. We also cut our first molar (tooth number 9!)! It made us a total nutjob. And just think, there are 3 more to go. JOY!

On a happier note, we're super snuggly and sweet when we're not teething.

And a terror to fallen leaves everywhere.

We also babyproofed the tv room. YAY. Not very exciting though, so sorry about getting your hopes up about surfing or breakdancing. But I do have a picture of his toes for you: