And then, as I was painting the Death Star, he says he wants a PacMan birthday party.
He's never even played PacMan.
We agreed that we'll save PacMan for next year. He's a good little dude.
This was our first party away from the house. There was a bit of a learning curve, and it was hard to get everything in place at the park, while staying at the park as the rules for reserving picnic areas require, and running back home to fetch more stuff, and watching the kids... Thank you Uncle Corey! Couldn't have done it without you!
The park was great though. Perfect weather, and a most excellent hill to roll down.

When the kids weren't beating up Vader, they had some games to play and a bubble machine with which to practice their light saber skills. They wouldn't leave it alone, so we wound up taping it up in a tree. Thanks to the dad who helped me get the batteries sorted out! Like I said, this was our first party away from home, and I was proud I brought the bubble machine, bubble solution and batteries. Forgot to bring a screw driver!
I'm pretty proud of my Death Star too. I managed to make it sturdy enough to survive the onslaught of 15 or so Jedis, and now it dwells peacefully in the backyard.